Saturday 27 February 2016

How to prepare to be unprepared.

Zyg is an open installation which can lead to the sensations and also risk. The performer in improvisation can at his best offer the child a joint exploration and together they experience time and space, hopefully in a playful way. In the process with the performers we have emphasized to prepare for being unprepared. Through physical exploration and reflection the installation got significance for us who participated in the process. Practitioners have saved their experiences in the body's archive and with their archived experiences they now face the youngest children. Zyg is a room filled with opportunities and where an overriding goal is to offer the child a meaningful meeting. The meaningfulness in this context relates to providing the child interaction and response. Being together in experience, discovering the layers and to lift the child's initiative up is stated objectives. The open improvisation has its structure and it is always an artistic intention behind each installation. In the meeting with the child, the work completes and it gets its shape: new, unique and different from the previous one, never the same as the next. The performers must listen with all their senses in order to provide a sensoric experience, at its best children's sounds and movements are woven into the performer's interpretation of time and space. Other times it's more difficult to create a good meeting for everyone. The knowledge of the performer attached to such an open improvisational form requires a lot and presence is the most important tool to carry into this meeting. To be seen, heard and taken into exploration of time and space can create the most beautiful moment, that is how we want the child to experience Zyg.  

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